Monday, April 8, 2013

preliminary hearing

today is the day that determines when we get to meet our sweet violet.  the preliminary hearing is sometime today.  ethiopia is 8 hours ahead of us.  so, allan and i decided to fast and pray throughout the day.  we ate breakfast at 9:00 am and will fast until 9:00 am tomorrow morning.  our hope is that the judge that hears about us and our case today will find favor and mercy on us.  we have already experienced a three month delay due to licensing issues.  most times the court date is assigned 4-6 weeks after the preliminary hearing.   that means we will most likely travel in may to meet her.  there are times though when a court date happens one week later.  obviously, this is our preference.  yes airfare is more expensive, yes it puts a lot of stress on getting everything ready, finding places for the kids to go, finding people to cart them to and from their activities, finding a poor soul to do school with them 3 days a week.  but, the Lord will take care of the details, just like He always does.  He tells us not to worry, and we will obey that command.  so, while traveling as early as 1-2 weeks from now,  may not be the plan for Violet, we pray that during this time we will cling to His words and promises.  we pray that through this entire adoption, HE receives all the glory. 

i also must admit, i have never fasted before in my life.  if you know me at all, you know i love food.  i may occasionally skip breakfast and eat goldfish and a coke for lunch, but i love to cook and i love to eat.  and there is rarely a night that goes by that i don't end up on the couch with a bowl of blue bell mint chocolate chip.  this is going to be hard for me.  i had to heat up lunch for the kids.  leftover spaghetti and garlic bread.  it was tough.  but it's not as tough as what Jesus did for us.  and i will survive.  i am amazed at what this feels like though.  it's hard, but it's hard in a great way.  i love the tears that are forming in my eyes as i pray each hour.  i love the emails i am getting from our close friends and family as they write sweet words that lift us up.  while i am praying selfishly that favor is found on us and  our case, i also pray for the millions of other orphans in the world who don't have a family waiting for them.  would you pray for those too?